diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2009


hey guys! this morning I was sitting on the terrace with my friends having breakfast and talkin' about the awesome weather right here. it was a sunny sunny Sunday so you'd say the low temperatures are completely over! the best thing we came up with was heading to the State Park close to our apartment. we used a map to get the directions and we started riding our bikes...

it was a wise decision and a great experience too. we realized that an amazing natural landscape was waiting for us just a few miles away from where we live. the sound of the water of a nearby stream, the smell of real manure, the chirping of the birds, etc.

as you can notice we had some trouble on our way but we handled it. the trails were really rocky and we thought they were more kind of hiking trails rather than bike ones. anyway, spending a couple of hours working out in the forest is what eventually matters.

we managed to spot some typical pennsylvania farms, cows, a family of gooses, these wooden bridges and cool housings. from now on, we'll plan far more outdoor activities!!! hope you've enjoyed reading my last adventures in the States.

p.s.: after that, we cooked a tasty fiduea for lunch mmm

4 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Like this! more outdoor activities! good for your health (ahir vaig anar al metge i me va dir que tenia el colesterol una mica alt i els musculs "flonxos", seguramente degut a una dieta estranya i alta en carbohidrats durant un any als USA...així que a vigilar!!)

ignasi ha dit...

thank u 4 ur advice eva!

l'altre dia es va tallar la comunicacio per telf pq se'm va acabar el saldo del mobil america: ja l'he recarregat aixi q no tens excusa x no tornar-me a trucar :)

take care my friend

Judih ha dit...

Ja casi que l'estava esperant una entrada en anglès jejeje.

Et dessitjo des d'aquí Feliç dia de Sant Jordi ;) jejeje.

1petó ben gros!!!!!!

eva català ha dit...

quin morro! no tens excusaaaa...jajaja...per cert, que vol dir això del japonés??? que te penses que algú ho pilla? ajajja...btw t'acabo d'enviar un mail...no tens excusa per contestar...!!!!jajaja...ala take care